Principles of Programming: Fundamentals of object oriented programming in Java. Basic data types, methods, polymorphism, and inheritance.
Intro to Programming Languages: Intro to C/C++ and first look at logic, imperative, and functional programming.
Data Structures and Algorithms: Analyzing time and space complexity for data structures and algorithms. Implementing different data structures and algorithms on large data sets in C++.
Network Forensics Analysis: how to investigate and analyze network activity to detect and respond to security incidents, such as cyber attacks, data breaches, and network intrusions.
Cyber Risk Management: how to identify, assess, prioritize, and mitigate risks related to information security and cybersecurity within organizations.
Security Operations: Preparing students for roles in security operations centers (SOCs) or similar security-related positions within organizations.
Information Assurance: Intro to cyber security taught in a CTF style course. Intro to the linux command line, wireshark, and x86 assembly. Overview of security concepts such as privacy, anonymity, authentication, web and network security and security objectives.
Operating Systems: Introduction to the kernel, pipelining, semaphores, and threads. Main and virtual memory, mass storage and I/O systems.
Computer Networks: 7 layer ISO/OSI model, applications such as HTTP and FTP, transport layer problems like connection-oriented protocols, network layer problems like congestion control, data link layer problems like error correction, MAC protocols, the physical layer.