How to setup honeypots in Kali Linux

Honeypots use a wide range of techniques to trap malicious activity and are primarily used in the information security industry. Hackers use honeypots to learn about vulnerabilities in their targets, as well as to understand how to exploit those vulnerabilities. Honeypots collect information about attacks, intrusions, and data stealing methods.


1- Install pentbox in Linux

2- Once it is installed, let us start using the pentbox. Select the network tools and honeypot from the menu to install the honeypot. Go with the manual configuration to install it according to your preferences for a honeypot.

3- Now you can open the fake port as you wish and insert a fake message. You can also provide the ability to save the record and the record’s name. You can see the honeypot is enabled on the required port, and you can manually enable honeypots for other ports in a similar manner.

4- Turn on the attacker’s machine and scan the host machine using Nmap. The results of the open ports and services are displayed below.

the attacker machine tries connecting with the host machine using telnet.

5- Finally, for every attempt of intrusion that is made, it gets alerted, and a log is created where the attacker’s IP and port are recorded.